All products that are offered as pellets or blotters are located here.
1cP-LSD is a Research Chemical bel...
1cP-LSD is a Research C...
2-MMC, also called 2-Methylmethcat...
2-MMC, also called 2-Me...
1P-LSD is a Research Chemical belo...
1P-LSD is a Research Ch...
- The best quality
- Fair prices
- Discreet shipping
Gidazepam is a Research Chemical b...
Gidazepam is a Research...
Pyrazolam is a Research Chemical b...
Pyrazolam is a Research...
Norflurazepam is a Research Chemic...
Norflurazepam is a Rese...
Flubromazepam is a Research Chemic...
Flubromazepam is a Rese...
Bromazolam is a Research Chemical ...
Bromazolam is a Researc...
Norflurazepam is a Research Chemic...
Norflurazepam is a Rese...
Norflurazepam is a Research Chemic...
Norflurazepam is a Rese...
Bromazolam is a research chemical ...
Bromazolam is a researc...
DCK, also called deschloroketamine...
DCK, also called deschl...